
Petty Vandals: Photo Editors with a Grudge

August 15, 2024
by Rebeca Miller

Every so often the staff of AJHS come across photos in our collections that have received, shall we say, a bit of a touch up.  While some of these altered images could be the victims of accidental wear and tear, some appear to have suffered due to the passionate ire of an individual.   

In the images below you will find various methods used to strike a person’s visage from the historical record or alter their appearance and legacy.  The culprits of this petty vandalism could very well be the captured figures remaining.

Clearly the beginning of a mystery series. Family in Bathing Suits, Collection of the Ellen Brett Aibel Bierman Family P-940 .
Close companion torn asunder. Edith Jacobi Marks, August 1935, P-705
Here our vandal is looking to emphasize rather than eradicate his subject’s head.  The perfect bumper of white correction fluid is the mark of an early photoshop technique. UJA Federation of New York Collection I-433
Intentional or accidental? 
Camp Wakitan Hebrew Orphan Asylum I-42
A tear affair! Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York, 1930s, I-42
And we end with a vandal of love. Not all edits are malicious after all! Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York, 1930’s, I-42