
Training Videos

02:05 Posts (Admin Columns)

03:15 Modern Events Calendar

06:05 Special Events Links

08:15 Poetry Winners

10:35 Exhibits

12:10 Award Winners

13:50 Staff

15:45 Colossus Translations

18:10 Featured Holdings

21:20 Holding Status

22:30 Abbreviated Text for Buttons etc.

23:35 Overview Text (main parent pages)

26:15 Process for Creating a new Featured Holding

30:00 Page Titles Options

01:00 Overview

05:35 Text Components

07:40 Text with Image

09:06 Callout Text

09:55 Two Column Text Component

12:50 Basic Text with Image

16:15 Same Height Comparative Figures (2 col)

17:45 Custom Image Cropping

20:40 Same Height Comparative Figures (3 col)

22:40 Caching trick (add ?sadfsf to URL to refresh)

23:25 Accordion

24:30 Adding a saved section to accordion

26:40 Gallery

29:20 Changing Gallery Columns

31:10 Tabs

33:05 CTAs

34:15 Changing CTA Background (inner section)

37.20 Full Width CTA

38:10 Related Posts

41:15 Choosing Posts (or categories) using the Query

44:00 Excluding individual posts

45:50 Sponsors

48:20 Gala - Chairs Section

49:40 Gala - Photo Gallery

Adding Podcasts

Cropping Images for Blog posts

Content Training Workshop

Just for fun...

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