A copper goddess towers over the poor and pitied
Her torch held up high
She stands sturdy, bursting with pride and majesty
Glowing with anticipation for the bright future to come
But her people ignore her, and refuse her protection
And allow her glistening beige skin to be tarnished by hate
They allow her hope to fade into a melancholy silence
And her skin to melt into muddy green, losing its shine
A copper goddess towers over the poor and pitied, forgotten and alone
Her splendor not gone, but her voice silenced
Her hope still apparent, but her beauty disregarded and left aside
Fearful of the future, a tapestry of tears, a soliloquy of sorrow
In pain she kneels downward
And whimpers across the sea to whoever shall hear
“Give me your poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
And they listen, and ride her wave of hope across oceans
As a flood of love crashes against her feet
She is given new life
Her skin still green, but the hate now faded away
And acknowledged she stands once more
A copper goddess towers over the poor and pitied, her hope restored
Though omitted by those who gave into hatred
She stands proud and tall and free and known and elated
Torch burning into the stars of and endless, silent night